We are excited today (mid-February, 2019) to launch our new website experience at Sticky Toffee Textiles. When we began this journey barely over two years ago, we really didn't know what to expect. In our thoughts of "how is this going to go?" we hoped to find a place for some of our design ideas. And we thought maybe we'd get a little closer to the moms and dads using everyday items in their homes, and learn something from them along the way. But our fans have helped us far exceed our own expectations. You all are GREAT!
With this brand new site, we're introducing another way for our customers to find and buy our home textiles. We're also excited to be able to speak to you directly, in a more free form manner than what social media will allow. You can expect to hear from us about how we work, what we are seeing out in the world that inspires us, and even a little peek behind the curtain from time to time so you can get to know who "we" are--the regular people working to bring you some great products!
As a quick introduction, today you're hearing from James Brandenburg. I've been with JVS, our parent company, for over 15 years now. I'm very proud to lead an amazing team of people from around the world, who come up with new ideas every day to help make your life just a little bit easier!
If you have questions about "why" something is a certain way or ideas for a blog post, please send them along! Of course, you can still find us in the old familiar spots on Facebook and Instagram. But this spot is just for you, our fantastic curators of the #stickytoffeehome story.
Welcome home!