As the only guy on our US team, I often find myself outnumbered, outvoted, and out classed! But in my case, that’s a great position to be in because our team is such a joy to work with. I’m really happy when I get a word in edge-wise on our new products, because I feel like it must really be worth something!
Most men are not going to think of items for the kitchen as a worthy Valentine’s Day gift for themselves. And I think perhaps many men would ALSO be worried about giving their significant other something with a useful kitchen purpose. I learned my lesson one Christmas when I purchased a Dustbuster that was on my wife’s Christmas list. She passionately explained why that item was meant as an option to be given by somebody who wasn’t me. We still joke about that over 20 years later!
When it comes to our time in the kitchen, however, I think I represent a lot of guys who welcome “tools” that make our work there a little easier. Yes, kitchen towels like our printed flour sack towels can certainly serve a decorative purpose. But the more time I spend doing my stuff in our kitchen, the more I realize there was a reason why Mom kept some plain white flour sack towels hanging around, too.
With that in mind, here are some Valentine’s Gift ideas for the men in your kitchen.
Sticky Toffee Cotton Kitchen Flour Sack Dish Towels
These basic white towels have served many uses for me. Not only are they my top choice for drying dishes and glassware because of their light weight and low lint, but they’re also great for cleaning your eyewear or the glass on optics like binoculars. Is your guy an amateur Iron Chef who makes his own stock? Perhaps he makes his own injectable marinades and needs to strain the solids out before he gets to work on that Thanksgiving turkey. White flour sack towels work well for these purposes and so many others. I really like having a pile of these available when I get into some of the messier work I do in the kitchen.
Sticky Toffee Cotton Apron with Pocket
Speaking of making messes, I’m not going to sugar coat this–when I work in the kitchen, EVERYTHING gets dirty, including me. My first job was working as a dishwasher at a local clubhouse where I grew up. I’ll never forget the first night I was drafted into prep duty in the kitchen. They needed me to chop heads of lettuce for salads. I was taking my sweet time, trying to be neat about it. Winnie was the grizzled veteran in the kitchen and she told me “this ain’t your mama’s cookin’ kitchen. We gotta get things done around here!” and proceeded to show me in short order what she meant by that. I took the lesson to heart. Now I dirty lots of dishes, and clothes, when I work in the kitchen. I’m not too proud to put on an apron to keep my clothes a little cleaner. Our Cotton Apron with Pocket comes in a masculine gray color that will work well to keep the mess off when your favorite guy is making it happen in the kitchen.
The Meateater Guide to Wilderness Skills and Survival
Okay, this one isn’t on our website. It’s on one of my other favorites, however, and if your fella is engaged in any kind of outdoor adventures, this is a great option for him. The team at Meateater is rewriting the way outdoor activities like hunting and fishing are presented and putting the food aspect of these pursuits on center stage. There are several Meateater cookbooks, but this particular book is focused on skills to help them survive in the wild and come back home to get it done in the kitchen. Did I mention it’s also a New York Times Bestseller? I highly recommend picking up a copy of this book, wrap it in some of our flour sack towels (you’ve seen that video, right?), and have a good laugh that for once, you’re giving your guy something for the kitchen.
Just don’t tell him you got the idea from me. I don’t want any angry letters asking why I didn’t recommend a fancy new grill!
Thank you for shopping with us!