Did you know every kitchen needs at least a week’s supply of dish towels and dish cloths? Having a good quantity on hand means you can swap out these important kitchen necessities daily for clean textiles that will look much nicer than the rumpled, dirty, damp ones. But even more importantly, replacing your kitchen towels and cloths daily helps you avoid giving a home to bacteria that can make you and your family sick. For those of us who can’t get to the laundry pile more than once a week, having a minimum of eight of both items is key: one for each day plus an extra, in case you encounter an unexpected mess. That means a need for some good textile storage and organization that enhances rather than detracts from your kitchen space.
Default storage for dish towels and cloths is generally a drawer somewhere in the kitchen, which is certainly a fine option. However, drawers tend to be some pretty valuable real estate—and also have a way of getting disorganized easily. If you have collected kitchen textiles that match your décor and make you smile, why hide them away? Look for fun containers like baskets or tubs that match your style, and display those linens to reinforce your personal vibe. An added benefit of using open containers is fabrics will have the opportunity to "breathe" and stay fresher than when they’re shut away in a drawer. Plus, when items are in plain sight, it’s much easier to remember to change them out daily.