Helping in a time of need.

Helping in a time of need.

Helping in a time of need.

Being a good neighbor is an important part of our culture at Sticky Toffee and our parent company, JVS. Our employees are the most important part of our company and when they are in need, we do what we can to help. Recently there has been a major water shortage in southern India, where our manufacturing facilities are located. While visiting with the workforce during his regular factory visits, our managing director Mr. Britto Joseph became aware that small scale farms and villagers in the areas near our factories were running short of water. Fully half the local community is associated with JVS in some way, so he initiated the process of identifying ways to help with the crisis. It was soon discovered that three water retention ponds had gradually silted in, reducing their effective total capacity by 55%. As a result, the local farmers were being forced to rely more and more on ground water for irrigation, which in turn stressed the aquifers and reduced the amount of drinking water that was available. Through the actions of JVS, silt was removed from the ponds and they were restored to their full capacity of over 34 million combined liters. This will, in turn, reduce the need to use the underground water sources for irrigation. There will be more water available for drinking, and the ponds will hold more water for irrigation at the small scale farms. This is but one example of how being a good corporate citizen can benefit not just the employees and customers of a company, but the surrounding community as well. Without JVS' direct help, the small scale farmers who depend on the land for their livelihoods would not have been able to continue their work.

You can be confident your purchase is making a difference in the world.

We are proud of the work we do to provide quality, affordable products for your home and at the same time do so in a way that benefits more than just our own bottom line. When you select Sticky Toffee products for your home, you can be confident that your purchase is making a difference in the world.

